
Preserve Your Wealth with the Advisors’ Difference

“The life insurance advisor distinction is hugely important. While we do sell life insurance, selling is second to educating. Our mission is to teach consumers how to use life insurance to create and preserve wealth.”


~ Howard Kaye

When it comes to your wealth, small mistakes can have a big impact. What if your financial advisor forgot to retitle one of your assets? That innocent mistake could result in millions of dollars in avoidable taxation. Or, say you remarried later on in life and forgot to remove your ex-spouse from the beneficiary list on your life insurance policy. You just created a legal battle for your kids! This is why the life insurance advisor difference matters.

The people you choose to work with when putting together your life insurance strategy can make a big difference. Life insurance is complex, so it’s important that your advisors have a wide range of knowledge about not just insurance products, but also taxes and estate planning.

We Stand on the Merit of our Knowledge and Our Solutions

We’re the leading experts in the innovative use of life insurance to create and preserve wealth. In fact, the Kaye family have been pioneers in the field, dealing with wealth creation and preservation strategies since the 1960s, when this field was still barely recognized or known. Because we deal with many of America’s wealthiest families, we understand the specific estate planning issues you face.

Schedule a consultation with us and we can show you why life insurance is unique in its ability to transfer more wealth than you ever thought possible from one generation to the next—and in the most tax-efficient manner possible.

Experience the Advisors Difference

If you still think of life insurance primarily in terms of income replacement, we’ll show you how multi-faceted it can be. Even though income replacement remains a primary function, it certainly isn’t the only one. Life insurance can reduce your exposure to the estate tax and create liquidity upon your death. It can also help solve the tax problems that arise for the many people who have 401(k) and IRA plans. We’ll show you how to use your life insurance policy to maximize your legacy in every way.

Let’s Develop a Plan – Together

We’re are much more than just people licensed to sell insurance. We’re advisors who listen to your needs and use our experience to help you develop a customized plan. If you already have a policy, schedule a no-cost policy review so we can help you reach your goals. If you have no policy, your call can’t come soon enough. Call us today at 800-DIE-RICH to find out how we can help you.

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